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.pk3 files missing?


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hey all, thanks for reading this :)


ok when i get into a multiplayer game (through gamespy or JK2) it will lock up and kick me out, but before it does it says the client(me) is missing .pk3 files....i have no idea what .pk3 files are but i seem to need them. any ideas? thanks again. :)

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Pk3 files are some sort of zip files. They contain information for maps, skins, sounds etc. Originally there are two pk3 files that came with the game, assets0 and assets1 . Custom skins and maps also come in pk3 files . You install them by putting them into the base folder ( in your JK2 directory) . The error message you get simply means that the server has maps, skins etc you don't have. Turn on Allow Downloads in game options so you will automatically download needed files from the server when you connect (this only works if the server has enabled downloads though).

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