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How does force power work?


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When I use pull or push, how come the other player illuminates blue or it looks like they are pushing back at me.


Yet when they do it to me it works nearly everytime and I get the backstab done on me.


Anyone :D?

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the blue would be force absorb.


They push thing you said is a natural thing that happins when you arent attacking and facing your opponent. you have to have the same level of the force push/pull they are useing, aswell as enough force to use it. for example : you can resist a level 2 force push if you have a at least a level 2 pull, are faceing your opponent and not attacking, and have enough force to use it


hope that helps

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ok i'm a newb to this game but i'll share my knowledge.

if anyone thinks i'm wrong in what i say, please do correct me.


ppl glowing blue means they are using absorb.

and when they seem to push back, they actually do in one sense.

force push is countered by pull. whenever someone pushes you and you have force pull, you will automatically block it by "pulling" without draining your own forcepool.

the opposite goes for pull. when someone pulls you and you have force push, you will automatically counter by pushing (without draing your own force). you must remember it does not always work automatically for example if you face the enemy with your back it's not gonna work :D

hope that clears up a little...


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