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Stupid Imperial Window!

Master Shawn

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I need to use one of those Imperial window textures, you know, the cricle with the window in it that has webbing in it for suports and such, as seen behind Palpatine in ROTJ, well, I found the texture in Radiant and I have tried at least three of them and none of them are see-through like they are supposed to be, and yes, I am using the shader ones.

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Use the Nodraw texture on the back and sides of the brush and the texture /mp_win02 or mp_win03 on the front. and it should work, i just tested it, you will need to create a clip brush inside the window though or you will be able to walk right through it.


the texture mp_win01 does not seem to be transparent but maybe that needs to be on a func_breakable or func_glass or something..


Hope this helps.

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