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WIP: Battle Droid


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im torn between the two suggested taunts. Roger Roger .. i agree is the droid vocal signature as such. But "That's doesn't compute. Your Under Arrest" taunt .. coupled with the animation similar to what we see in the movie. ie.. shakes his head downwardly and leans forward pointing his finger .. sugoi.. that would be awesome.. imagine it...


Luke: "You must not give into your anger" or whatever he says..

BD: "That's doesn't compute. Your Under Arrest" and launches an unforgiving death from above.. laying crack-commando judgement on luke's sorry inconsolable post-adolescent whiny ass


good luck with the skelly


a meritable attempt so far....






p.s some info regarding the droid types.. Battle Droids are structurally identical irrespective of job function.. Although there are some varying subroutines and rank...


These are...


Infantry - Your basic pleasure model.. Your generic sandy colour


Pilot Droid - For the more curious.. Navy stripe across the shoulder and waist...


Security Droid - A women's ideal bedfellow.. Red stripe across the shoulder and a small red stripe on the chest plate.


Command Officer - Equipped with pleasure enhancements. Is almost identical to your generic infantry model but with a yellow crown below the general command storage area.... (the skull husk)


oh are you going to include the unfolding droid animation. You know when they're in compressed configuration during transport in the special deployment rack of an MTT.


/// and did you know the Battle droids are designed to resemble skelatal Neimoidian bodies....


ciao ciao




"hi Robert" :D

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Hey,im sorta new to the forum...but i have a idea....why dont you make a SP mod...that makes Stormtroopers and Galak Mech's everywhere..but replace the strom troopers with Battle Droids,and the Mech's with Droidekas....cause galak's mech already has the Heavy Repeater and the Shield.


it would probally be a bit harder to make a Droideka considering the amout of curves and Gaps between the metallic components...but i think if you work on it long enough,you could make it roll up into a ball when it rolls....which would be cool.


Anyways,thats all i have to say....im waiting for this Battle Droid and that yoda model in the other post...hehe...."Slice you,i Will."





*****************SPOILER ALERT!!!!*********************





Yoda Flipping around with that saber...Every SW fans Dream for years.

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Hey prophet did you start working on the skin? Hope you take your project to destination! I think the animation will look great in MP, the important is to know that it's a battledroid. Then let the mind do the trick, to me it will be a battledroid and I know I will love it!

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If you do add this to SP, then i believe "Roger Roger" would be good for the droids acknowledging each other, when they see you they should go "they he is, get him" or was it "There they are, get them" one of the two, and erm what else you got ?


This is a very nice model...and for those pople thinking of Destroyer Droids, i had a Destroyer for Elite Force..same engine, if it can be done it can be done, just someone needs to do the rolling animation.

Thankyou for making this, hope it does good. Make some good lightsaber cutting effects will ya too ;)

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Just a little note on the list of battle droid types posted by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxn. There is one structural difference among the battle droids, in that only the infantry droid has the backpack thing with the antenna on it. Also, I think the droids with added stripes also have a circle or half-circle painted on their chest of the same color. Oh, and after seeing episode II again last night, I noticed that the battledroids on geonosis are a slightly different color compared to those on naboo, in that they have a more reddish-brown tint, probably meant to match the color of the rocks and sand on geonosis more.

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I'm doing the basic skin, almost 50% done of the basic greyscale. Quite like the droid in grey, so I may include a grey skin too :)


Also, a clarification on types:


Infantry: No distinctive colour markings. They have a backpack.


Command Officer: Top of head is coloured yellow. They also have a yellow circle on their chest. They too have a backpack.


Security: Red shoulders, and a red patch beneath the neck. There is also a red rounded half rectangle on their chest. They do not have a backpack.


Pilot: Only seen very briefly on board the controp ship. Their shoulders and the space between them is blue. The lower half of their torso is blue. They have no backpack.


Now that you mention it, I did notice a difference in the AOTC droids. I'll check this out, and if so I'll include a geonosis droid skin. (looks like im going to see AOTC again :) )

I might include a couple of types I've invented myself too.

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Hello. I am new on these forums, but I have some experience with skinning battledroids. The BD for Q2 was converted to Counterstrike. I didnt do that or the original skin but I did 4 reskins of the BD (for those that dont know- CS has 4 man teams). I would like to do these skins for your model - or 427's - if you do not have one finished or anyone else.

You can see the droids (and mad mad mad downloads)

There are four different colors-

Red Battledroid (Security)

Yellow Battledroid (Command)

Blue Battledroid (Pilot)

Green Battledroid (Field)


What you cant see in the pic is that they all have "1138" on there backs (Yes I know it is supposed to be on the pack and yes there are no green BDs in the movie, but there are in Jedi Power Battle!). If you want tho, I will also make an "infantry" no rank version and cooler- an EP2 battledroid (Yes in EP2 they are a funny red color-not just dusty- these are Banking Clan and not Federation Battledroids I think). Oh yeah and the droid isnt meant to be a "skeletal" Nemoudian, they are Geonosian (the EP1 concept art did not include what we know as Nemoudians so they saved the design and used it for Geonosians in EP2- that is also why the Nemoudians call Destroyer Droid "Droidekas"...its Genosian. :bdroid1:

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Originally posted by MOZONE

Hello. I am new on these forums, but I have some experience with skinning battledroids. The BD for Q2 was converted to Counterstrike. I didnt do that or the original skin but I did 4 reskins of the BD (for those that dont know- CS has 4 man teams). I would like to do these skins for your model - or 427's - if you do not have one finished or anyone else.

You can see the droids (and mad mad mad downloads)

There are four different colors-

Red Battledroid (Security)

Yellow Battledroid (Command)

Blue Battledroid (Pilot)

Green Battledroid (Field)


What you cant see in the pic is that they all have "1138" on there backs (Yes I know it is supposed to be on the pack and yes there are no green BDs in the movie, but there are in Jedi Power Battle!). If you want tho, I will also make an "infantry" no rank version and cooler- an EP2 battledroid (Yes in EP2 they are a funny red color-not just dusty- these are Banking Clan and not Federation Battledroids I think). Oh yeah and the droid isnt meant to be a "skeletal" Nemoudian, they are Geonosian (the EP1 concept art did not include what we know as Nemoudians so they saved the design and used it for Geonosians in EP2- that is also why the Nemoudians call Destroyer Droid "Droidekas"...its Genosian. :bdroid1:


I am doing all the skins for the model myself, however if anyone else wants to make some skins they are welcome to it. The UVW maps aren't the greatest though (first time I've actually done UVW mapping for a mesh), and while I am able to stand working with them, I'm not sure how other skinners would be able to tolerate them :).


Couple of other things - do you have any info/pics on the field droids, and do you know where it says they are banking clan droids (out of curiosity, I'd just assumed they were Geonosian). Additionally, the Droidekas were infact designed by the Colicoids after their own shape. They are only manufactured by the Geonosians :)


I should have a shot of the basic outline model tomorrow.

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Oh, yeah, the taunt will be "Roger Roger". The sound clip i have at the moment is a bit muffled, so if anyone can get me a decent one (and any noises of battle droids in general, especially them clattering on the ground :) ) IM or mail me.

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