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The helicopter saber move?!

Norin Radd

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OK. Several times tonight, I was killed by opponents that used a spinning saber attack where the guy spun like. . .well, the best way to describe it would be a helicopter rotor. The attack was FAST!, in a full 360 degree revolution. Now, is there a LEGITIMATE way to do this? Does it have anything to do with mouse sensitivity, perhaps? Any input would be appreciated.:D

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The rapid spin is when the person cranks up their /sensitivity and mouses over to increase the degrees covered--and to out sweep other sweepers. This can be done with scripts as well, which makes it very easy and requires nothing but a keypress once the animation starts.



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well if the mouse sensitivity is so high, i cant imagine how he plays normally. is there a script of some kind that gives the command to crank up the sensitivity, and then set a time such as 2.2 sec, then returns to normal sensitivity. bind it with a key. everytime the player see that back spin move coming just press the key. i guess thats how they did it. ;)

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it would actually be easy for someone that knows how to script that would spin you that fast. For those who havent see someone do this yet. there is a demo posting further down and the guy i play in that demo does it several times. mostly on the second map though. I know exactly what you guys are talking about. I was like wtf at first, but the move itself is counterable.


just look for the thread that says. "the demo you ask for" or something to that effect

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It's the mouse sensitivity.


I play with maxed mouse sensitivity, by the way. I don't use it to do that helicopter thing (sometimes I spin around super-fast just for show) but I like the high sensitivity for better control over rolls. Really disorients the opponent.

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Originally posted by Twilite Zoner

It is a light force attack. You have to be in blue stance to use it.




i think not..........i believe it's "the blender"


there's a topic i think below this one called "is anyone familiar with this sabre move?"


read that.....it has some info about it too

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