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Trés cool.


JK or MotS?


[TANGENT]One thing that really bugs me about levels (both fan-made and original :rolleyes: ) is the lighting.


Now, I don't mind large places that are default-lit (heck, I see a lot of them in real life), but I like the light to have a source. Put glowpanels or lights on the ceiling or walls, or have light streaming in through the window while the rest of the room is in darkness.


Ooh; put a sun.spr outside in the sky!


And do something about the levitating medkits.[/TANGENT]

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First, this is a JK level.


And about the lighting, I've decided, even though this is my first level, that I'll go all out on things like that.


The level is still early in work, but I will add lights, and probably a sun. And I will put health packs on the floor or something.


Also, here's some of what I've been doing lately:




The early wireframe of the HIM-27. (Heavy Imerial Model-27)

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