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My friend and I are setting up a server for us and our friends, we all stay quite close and are probably connected via the same tellecom hub (BT). But when I connect to his computer, my ping value is collosall, can you offer any sugestions of how to get it down as we also have high speed DSL conections I dont see howthere can be an excuse...


Cheers Fraz aka DARTH WADERS :racer;

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what can i say? it's BT.


nah it should be ok, my mates get about 60 ping when i host a server. We've all got adsl with bto. make sure none of u are dloadin at the same time. make sure ur not running any software that'll drain the cpu at the same time. not much more u can do.


as for adding bots, depends how good ur pc is. i tried adding 28 bots once on my XP1600 and it was heaps laggy, infact couldn't move really. but it should be ok to add at least a couple.

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

It should be, but since you've got ADSL you've most likely got a 128k upload speed. Your friend most likely has that as well. Thats probably your bottleneck.


If it's BT Openworld broadband it *should* be 256k upload.

What pings are you getting? Do they lower without bots?

My mates connect to my server on BT adsl via 56k modems and they normally have pings ~200. What is you server maxrate set at? If it's pretty high your mates will be sucking up all your bandwidth probably.

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my adsl is with pipex, and i have a speed of 576k and my friend has a speed of 500 ish......


My ping is lower without bots infact its fine in a duel situation, but can go up too 400 at times if there are any others on teh server.......think we are getting there though..


Cheers Everyone Fraz :racer:

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