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Ravensoftware.... My thoughts.


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Originally posted by Dunedain


1.) Since the backstab and backspin are special moves, they

should do a lot of damage, but they also leave you very open

to enemy strikes. So you should get no blocking ability at

all when doing a backstab or backspin. It's open season on you

until the move is fully completed.


2.) Backstab and backspin should be slower to execute (longer

delay and wind-up time before the attack is carried out), especially

for the spin, which can hurt a lot of people.


3.) Normal saber swings should do more damage, like they

did in the 1.02 version. This means that if some dope turns

his back to you, he's wide open for a clean, and very likely fatal,

strike. Like it would be in a real saber duel.


4.) Maybe the back spin should be blockable, so if you have

your saber in position to block you can deflect the spin swing?

This will prevent jerks from running up to groups that are fighting

and just spinning and easily killing everyone. At least the

people in the group would have a chance to block it.


These changes would get rid of this back fighting stuff once

and for all. What do you guys think? Can we get a mod out

soon that would make these simple changes?


This would be something easy for the servers to dl and would be

extremely popular for the many many players that hate what 1.03

did to saber duels. [/b]


Many of these changes, and more, are in the fanmod.


It also stop saber throwing in duels, which is a nice touch.


I'm sure the author will work on removing backstab exploits as the mod progresses.


He did make the game make saber fights much more aggressive now.


Info on the mod:



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