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Someone explain to me the cutscenes in JK2


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Ok, this is what I don't understand, the cutscenes are premade, right? (wrong?) then how come If I change the SP skin of kyle to, say for instance, Desann, then how come all of the cutscenes with kyle are changed to him looking like Desann?

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There are two types of cutscenes...


1) ROQ files, which are prerecorded movies that can not be edited in anyway without the proper software. These consist of the ship flying scenes, MonMothma's little hologram, the opening StarWars text, etc. They can be found in the videos\ folder of the assests0.pk3.


2) Cinematics, which are scripts that run map entities, like Kyle and Jan, Luke and Desann, etc. These scripts use camera moves, zooms, and soundbite/strip recalls to create an animated scene. The cinematic scripts are spread out through the scripts\ folder of the assests.pk3 file.


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