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editing npcs.cfg


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Da Cliff...

you have to either git rid of or change the tags of the assets.pk3 files. (eg. assets.bk) Otherwise they will always overide any changes you make because they superimpose the other files.


That's not accurate. I've been able to create custom PK3 files that rewrite the npcs.cfg and have it play in game without renaming the extensions of the assetsx.pk3 files. It just has to have a name that starts with something other than "a", since the PK3s in the base folder are loaded alphabetically and overwrite previous settings as they are loaded. If what you say was true, then none of the PK3 mods downloaded would work unless they were included with a complete copy of the contents of all three assetsx.pk3 files - which would make every mod about a 600MB download.




You can't affect the Kyle main player with the settings in the ncps.cfg file - that only affects a spawnable NPC Kyle. NPC refers to "Non Player Character", meaning characters other than the main player.


If you want to change the base settings of the main player character, you have to do that within the IBI script that runs at the start of each level. In the Raven SDK Toolkit 2, there is a copy of BehaveED the IBI script editor, the ICARUS manual to run it, and a zip including all of the SP script files in text format so they can be edited and compiled with BehaveED. Every start level script has an "affect" command on Kyle that sets his force powers and weapons for each level. Within that "affect" command, you can also add any command setting that BehaveED will allow you to change - which is alot of them.


You can also use this to give Jan a Saber and force powers, or make a specific Stormtrooper guard have a saber and act like a reborn, etc. Pretty much any command in the npcs.cfg file can be inserted into an "affect" command on an NPC entity.


The npcs.cfg file will change the settings on the non-player NPCs to a certain extent. But it won't change the default Behavior State of an NPC - you can't turn a troop of stormtroopers into saber wielding reborn with the ncps.cfg file. The ICARUS manual states that the default behavior state of an NPC is controlled by the type of weapon they have equipped - a rodian with a saber will act like a jedi; a stormtrooper with a disruptor will act like a sniper; etc.


All of the SP NPCs in a given level have their weapons assigned to them in the map itself, when it was created with GTKRadiant or JORadiant. So the weapon choice of NPCs within a given level is pre-assigned. This can be overridden within a script on that level with the SET_WEAPON command.


For example, if in the ncps.cfg I change Stormtrooper2 to class>reborn and give it a sabercolor>yellow, in the game he'll still come at me with a blaster like a stormtrooper. But if in the start script for that level I use an affect command on st_guard that sets his weapon to a saber, then when I run the game he'll come at me with a yellow saber like a bad reborn.


Changes in class and weapon within the npcs.cfg file will affect NPCs that you manually spawn into a level - just not ones that are already present in the level. In the previous example, if I were to manually spawn a Stormtrooper2 within the console, it would have a yellow saber and act like a reborn. Understand?


If your custom npcs.cfg file is in a PK3 file with the pathname "ext_data\" and placed in your base folder - and has a name that loads in after the assets3.pk3 file, then it should work. If you want to test, add this line to Jan's npcs.cfg listing...


Health 500


Now save your PK3, load up the game, and go try to kill Jan with a full blast of the Bryar pistol's alt fire. Normally it takes just one or two attacks to kill her. If it takes you three or more Bryar pistol full blast alt attacks to kill her, then your custom npcs.cfg file is working, since she now has 500 health.


Or when you load your game, pull down the console and type...


HelpUsObi 1

setforceall 5

give weaponnum 1


Close the console, select the saber, and throw it since it's invisible. Now it should be visible. Go over to Jan and slash at her - if it takes more than two slashes to kill her, then your npcs.cfg file is working.


As far as inserting custom NPCs, I'm not too versed on that. But here's an excerpt from a post I read once about it...

Looking through the forums a few ppl have been trying to add new NPC's and

ended up with jedi's with lightsabers that fire blaster bolts.

Well i have found the solution;

simply make the persons name jedimyname, aswell as setting the class to


heres a sample from my config;

//NPC HumanoidsJedi



playerModel gran

saberColor green

rank lt

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 50

runSpeed 175

snd gran1

sndcombat gran1

sndjedi gran1

health 500

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0


having the name "jedivader" using the Darth Vader skin also works


Maybe that will get you headed in the right direction.


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Sorry if I wasn't clear enough Akshara but what I was trying to say is that:


If you have extracted all of the assets.pk3 files into their natural directories, and the files that you then edit (npcs.cfg), if the one you edited was the one that was extracted, then you would have to get rid of the tag on the asset.pk3 files. But then it is always safe to either make the asset.pk3 files into asset.bk files (for backup) or to make all changed files in their own pk3. Either way it doesn't matter.


But what I was saying was infact accurate.

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