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artus topside kill lizard man


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i dont think you can kill him at all... last time i was at him, i was invincilbe, had a lightsabre, and 3 at all force levels...


still, he pushed and pulled me wherever he wanted to and gripped and used lighning how much he wanted... he must have become weaker at the Valley of the Jedi, because he was much weaker at the end of the game... :rolleyes:

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Yeah, you can't kill him at all. After I finished the game, I used the cheats to replay the early levels with full force powers & saber. It's impossible to injure Desann at all, the entire point is for him to get you to 5 or so points of health before he says you suck too much to fight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nah you can't kill him at all.


After finishing the game, I went back to play that level and try some cheats. I npc spawned 30 to 40 friendly Jedi to finish him off but he killed them all. Never even seemed to take damage. With that many jedi on the screen, he actually jumped off the map more than once. He'd get stuck up there, so I'd have to follow him and push him back down. Which isn't easy since he seems to block every one on one push or pull attempt.

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yeah, exactly. I did the same thing as mobeus except with rebel soldiers and bespin officers. stupid idea, they got slaughtered. I lined like 40 of them up behind the crates (behind desann's ship) and they all fired away at him. He just walks over and annialates them. although, on a side note, if you do what i did, and then allow him to kill you, he won't turn his saber off. in the cinema scene he will keep deflecting shots, and more keep coming. it was cool. but yeah, he can't be stopped at that level. too bad.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can't actually kill him, but if you spawn a bunch of jedi trainers and lukes and then type "npc kill desann", the jedi will keep attacking an invisible force!:eyeraise: it's really pretty funny. even if you do remove him that way, the game just stalemates. Jan is nowhere to be found!

-Nuttyman54 :cheers:

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Ok gang, this is a help site not a joke arama. When someone needs help, give them the help they need or just don't post anything. Please don't tell them to use cheats on their first time through the game it will ruin the game completely for them...


There is enough garbage tossing going on over on the MP help forums we don't need it here! I know that you all were just having fun. But "sownie" was looking for help to play the game, not a bunch of jokesters giveing bogus replies!


Thanks for you cooperation...


sowie, it's part of the game that you can't kill Desaan at this point in the game... But you will get your chance later...

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