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Linux dedicated server


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Running the linux dedicated server and I can't seem to get people to connect to it.


My linux box is multi-homed, with my Inet line on one interface and my lan out on another (MASQing traffic to my LAN). I start with net_ip, though the server does seem to pickup my correct (external) ip.


The dedicated server runs and I can see and join my server as local, but people external don't see it, even with my IP in their favourites. They see my IP address and sometimes a map and gametype, but not my server name and timeout while connecting.\


I have tried started with dedicated 0, 1 and 2. None of them are seen as available.


I have tried various things to get it to work. I don't think its a firewall issue as this is running on the server. There didn't seem to be any blocked packets in my log.


For now I have forwarded the ports and am running a Windows Server but I would much rather run a Linux server, any help would be appreciated.


Also does anyone know of a goof .cfg maker. I am using Q3Offline right now, anybody know of anything better.

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