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To Spam or Not to Spam...(long)


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ahh, feel the love :)


"Repeated use of ANY move is lame in my book..even if all you do is run around in light stance twirling like mad and dont even kill anyone it's still spam and it sucks."


Not everyone knows how to play. Newbies just getting this game thinks it looks cool so they do it. I hardly consider them lame for trying to have fun in a game.


"The community itself has started to separate on these lines. We will end up with servers where spam is acceptable and those where it isn't. The difference being if you go to one where it isn't you'll soon find yourself staring at the "Server Disconnected" screen."


I care because.....? I've never been kicked from a server for spamming. Ever. In fact, most servers I go to have admins that are proficient in "spam" techniques... like any competetive clan server.


"what's the point of mastering saber combat if any idiot can get to the top of the scoreboard by running backwards into a crowd while swinging wildly? shouldn't good game design reward skill instead? isn't it perverse that anyone should be rewarded for wading into combat with their backs turned?"


Don't blame the smart guy for dealing with the situation in the most effective way. Blame the X amount of saber ballerinas uselessly twirling their saber in a huge mass of laser light fighting. This is true with any FFA... if you can't finish off your opponent in a timely manner, someone will come along that CAN.


On a semi-random side note, I don't think the special moves are overpowered.... I think the regular swings are underpowered. If the normal swings did damage equalling that of 1.02, you'd probably see less ass-fighting since 1-2 smacks in the back would do you in, and masses of straight up saber fighting would be lessened since people might actually die in straight combat.



"Gee, didn't I place spammers into 4 categories, with the last two deserving respect? You don't call that "defending"? Your above statement only applied to the first category....the "Newbie Spammer". I never said every spammer trash talks. I also indicated that some of the more "respectful" spammers usually congratualate their "defeaters", obviously realizing their unstoppable move was not as effective as they thought it might be."


I was reffering to the newbie spam catergory when I posted that :) I hardly consider branding spammers as ruining the game, defending them. I'd also like to point out your last 2 catergories of spammers aren't spammers anyways. If they don't repeatedly do the same move, but change their varieties of spam.. they aren't spamming by your definition :)


" A SPAMMER IS A PERSON WHO EXECUTES NOTHING BUT THIS MOVE OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Not someone who fights you in a variety of ways and just happens to kill you with one of these moves."


Thus, your last 2 "classes" of spammers, aren't spammers anyways :)


I'll leave the basketball analogy alone, just to get away from the whole analogy business -_-


"You seem very determined to argue with me. "Why?" I wonder?"


Because I think you're wrong, and last I checked this was a discussion board. Makes sense to discuss this to me :)



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I understand a lot of what you are saying.


Yes, let's drop the analogies, mine sucked as well:p !


what's the point of mastering saber combat if any idiot can get to the top of the scoreboard by running backwards into a crowd while swinging wildly? shouldn't good game design reward skill instead? isn't it perverse that anyone should be rewarded for wading into combat with their backs turned?"


Badly designed game...even 1.02. In all reality, if someone turns there back to you, and you hit their defensless stance, it should do major damage. But No, you swing away uselesly while they stab a saber into your gut, killing you effortlessly. A better game design would have situation based damage. Does this mean however, should everyone sink to the level of an a**fighter to counter that threat? Yes, this is where the main problem with 1.03 originated.


Do I think everyone is having fun? No. If newbies are running around spamming people and enjoying it, good for them. It does, however, ruin what this game design was originally all about. Not every non spammers is just swinging wildly in a fight. I myself, wait for the right hit. Damage assignment really sucks in this game, lowering it to the only way people can actually be rewarded with plenty of frags is by spamming. It has taken away any hope of forming a good "fight strategy" in order to overcome your opponents. Nope, all you have to do is catch someone with a single-hit kill.


This is where the game got out of hand.


People without the patience to actually fight, and want quick kills, exploit these moves.


People who are tired of getting taken by a spammer, copy their moves.


People just enjoying their effortless kills, exploit these moves.


People new to the game, see everyone else doing it, copy these moves.


Now the game has been reduced down to spam, pr avoid a spammer. It's nothing but running around getting slashed down immediately, or running away from those whom do it. If you are playing on a force enabled server, all points go into countering a spam. Those that don't, get killed and whine. People having a non-spam battle often get spammed by someone just running by.


It's just plain poor game design, and lack of restraint from some, and lack of skills from others.


All and all, this game has been reduced down to spamming. Was it going to happen anyway? Probably. It's just sad to actually see a halfway decent game where you could concentrate on developing saber moves and strategy to win a fight, reduced to this, and actually ruin the game. Was this game designed for this, NO. If you watch the demo, you see the players (whether they be game designers, or just beta testers) running around swinging their lightsaber in what you might call a "wild and useless" motions and connecting some, and missing others. However, the game was designed to trade blows, to find a stance or certain combo of swings that suited you best, and actually fight. Otherwise, every hit would be a "single-hit kill" and everyone could kill just as many as the next person. Spammers have found their effective move. Does it allow others to fight as well, rarely, but who could say there is a problem there. It's effective and highly deadly move. Does it allow for fun gameplay, maybe in there books, they rarely lose. For the rest, it's annoying, and cowardly. Do I complain when I lose to one, no. I get plenty of kills, it would be much more if not for spammers, but I don't care about that. The only thing I care about is like you said, Repeated use of ANY move is lame. Why? It's just plain boring.


It's sad to see how very little people in the gaming world actually have patience.

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finally, we agree on most everything :) Just wanted to add my two cents and we can probably finish this off :p


You hit the main problem on the head. Saber combat (without abuse of special moves/backstabs) takes too long to resolve. While this is great for duels and 1on1's, it's *horrible* for FFA's, CTF, CTY, etc. Killing speed greatly influences how well you and your team does in all of these. If you want to be competetive, you just don't have the time to dual a guy for 2-3 minutes. You'll either be outlapped in kills, killed by an "ass-fighter", or have someone grab the flag under your nose. This is where alot of the "cheap kills" talk comes from.


I can't fault the players for wanting to win and using the best method possible. The unskillful players will always lose to someone more skilled (save by luck :p). A skillful player wouldn't put himself into a situation where he's in the middle of the laser lightsaber dance of doom :) He would also probably save his "straight up" saber combat techniques for a no force/saber only dueling server.


Oh well, nothing more to argue i guess :)



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