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What I'd like to see in a Duel map


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What you generaly see in Star Wars Lightsabre Duels, is devastation to the surrondings. OK EP1 didn't really, and neither did A New Hope, but pretty much every other one did. I was having a bash at a new MP Level, Bespin Quadrant I think, which wasn't a fantasticaly good level in terms of architecture, but it was still somehow fun( This is a FFA level though). The author had put Destroyable walls in, as well as some glass, I pushed a Bot right through a wall once, which I doubt did any damage, but looked great, I was even pushed through a glass window myself.

What would be great in Duel maps, was if there were things you could break, things to push and pull. Prehaps no traps, but things that make it a fun experience, I was playing another FFA map, episode 1, and I pushed an opponent down the shaft that Obi Wan gets stuck down. To my surprise, he landed safely and leaped out again, Igot thrown in myself once and despite getting stuck, I managed to briar pistol 2 people before I had to commit suicide.


Duel levels and FFA levels, and hell any level needs something to make it replayable, so say alevel had a power core, and as you were dueling one of you stuck his/her sabre into it and it went boom, killing you both. OK your both dead, but its a great laugh. Or if you were going to do a pit with a fan at the bottom, do a small beam or some ledges, where people might survive with some skill or luck and return to battle you.


I think the Number One rule of Level Design should be "Make it a Fun experience"

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