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A couple resources


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does anyone know if any of the following things exist:


1) the textures used for the icon backrounds of the default skins that came with the game. this way skinners can use these in thier icons making them fit into the game better.


2) photoshop brushes of rebel and imperial symbols, also for use in icons.


i know alot of people could use, especially me, so if nayone knows where ic an find these or anyone has the i33t sk1llz to make them i would worship them for 3 days.

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and temple_vines.jpg


These are good ones. The texture images are huge, too, so when you resize them to fit the icon window, you have to shrink them rather than expand them, so you don't loose quality. As for the imp and rebel insignias, I don't know of any brushes, but you can find the images somewhere (not sure where, though :)



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Well, I've been looking around for a while now, wandered through all the textures, and I could only find one. It's in nar_hideout\basic1_red_spill.jpg. I did some resizing and some slight recoloring to make it look like a fairly close match to the default_icon background. I couldn't find the backgrounds for the others, though. I plan just using the Imp and Rebel wall symbols from imp_detention for the red and blue backgrounds.



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Well, I put together my new Icons backgrounds which I will be using for all my skins. If anyone else wants to use them, you're MORE than welcome to. I wouldn't mind seeing all the custom skins using more standardized looks for their icons (whether they use my backgrounds or not).







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BradFu, your default icon was great. however, im a perfectionist and i wanted the blue/red icons to be identical as well. long story short little over an hour later i came up with this:




its not perfect but i think its good enough. after a picture is covering most of it i think it will blend better witht the other icons. i [obviously] plan on making a red background as well.


and eventually i hope to make brushes of the rebel/imperial insignias. but im not sure about that currently...


i hope everyone finds this icon usable...

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Just a tip for icon's backgrounds.


I take a snapshot in modview with a very contrasting colour for background, copy in photoshop, cut the background with magic wand, paste a texture from the game under the screenshot, (for my twilek skin I think it's a piece of ATST) dropshadow. save, 30 seconds without launching the game. (the important is to have a bluish for blue and redish for red :D


I didn't figure out yet how to setviewpos and enable cheats in MP is the true reason for this :)


I also made the small icons that go in the corner of the pics(not perfectly identical, but let say 99% Identical :)) but they are good only on a layer and in Photoshop Format, so If you want them I will post them.

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nano, i would say go ahead and post them. i could certainly use them.


modview doesnt give the highest quality of screens. im trying to get my icons looking like that of the game. does anyone have any advice? i was thinking they somehow put the models in 3d studio max or something, but im not sure about anything. if anyone has any advice i would greatly appriciate it.

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Ok, I have uploaded the PSD files of the icons. They are both in the same image just paste your background and hide the icon you want. Play with opacity/saturation whatever to get the right result. This is an example with the original galak so you can compare----> EXAMPLE


You can download the PSD here----> Icons


They are NOT identical, but I spent 10 minutes on this and it's close enough for me.


PS: I get 100 times better/higher quality screenshots in modview than ingame, much higher definition and much more control on the poses.


EDIT: Since I am soooo nice :p I updated the icons, now they are more identical.

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agh...i dont know what im doing wrong in modview beacuse my screens look horrible. theyre kinda pixelated. you can kinda tell here:


that was from modview. its a little more distorted because i resized it. it was made as a temporary icon until i can figure out how to make a good one. see your your twi'lek icon looks awesome. i dont understand how your getting the screens. i'm obvously doing someting moronic with modview that everythings crappy....


confused idiot,



EDIT: i just realized how completly stupid that icon looks...dont think that's all im capable of...

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aww...you got my hopes up on a reply.


now i was think maybe if i changed my resolution modview would look better. im not sure of that and im much to lazy to try at the moment. in conclusion, i shouldn't have posted this.


i assume nano used some clever airbrushing and erasing, i kinda had one of those going on earlier but it wasnt nearly as good. but also keep in mind i cant speak for him. in conclusion, i shouldnt have posted this either.

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Well, hehe, I made the icons from scrach. :) You just make a circle and carved out the inside with the default icon has template. Using the polygonal lasso. Then I gave it a glow by duplicating the icon and changing the color to yellowish redish/blueish and then making a gaussian blur. More or less that's how I did it. No clever airbrushing :) just stupid lassoing.

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okay that should fix my modview problem...and luckily, im not foolish enough to use print screen. Cntrl+C:D


one more thing, nano. would you allow me to put your emblems (the psd) in the resources section of my website? (see signature)

i would greatly appriciate it because if you decline i suppose ill have to try and make my own.

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oh, i never actually tried print screen...


anyway i just went to change my res and get me an icon when i noticed my stupid monitor can only go up to 1152x864 without throwing some "sync out of range" crap at me. this greatly saddens me. i guess ill have to try doing it at a friends house.


oh and bradfu, on the off chance you happen to look here again...would be okay if used the icon_default you made on ths page:



EDIT: oh and nano, bradfu, ill glady give you credit...

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