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Tyrion on jkii.net (finally)


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Try reading mate :)



For the time being we are not going to be allowing reskins or SP level use of this character. This is so we have a chance to develop our own SP storyline we have in development, and to give us a chance to establish the character in accordance to our vision. After we have accomplished that, we will be moving onto new projects, and allow the community to use the character for whatever purposes they choose. We of course cannot prevent people from reskinning the model, or from making him SP playable, but we will be contacting JK2 files sites to take down any files submitted that use our works if we see them, until we announce that he is available for SP use.

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The HUNTED mod was a mod being developed for SP in JKII to allow the player to play as a Bounty hunter instead of a Jedi Knight. Well, Lucasarts was not too happy as this would come into conflict with their impending release BOUNTY HUNTER. So. . .Lucasarts insisted on a desist action by the respective modders. SO, a moment of silence for the SP mod that died before it was really born. :D

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The HUNTED mod was a mod being developed for SP in JKII to allow the player to play as a Bounty hunter instead of a Jedi Knight. Well, Lucasarts was not too happy, as this would come into conflict with their impending release BOUNTY HUNTER. So. . .Lucasarts insisted on a desist action by the respective modders. And now, a moment of silence for the SP mod that died before it was really born. :D



This information was gleened from various sources.:p

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they nailed it. the hunted mod was a neat looking little bounty hunter deal, and Bloodriot and I gave permission to them to use our Jango/Boba Fett models. It was looking rather nice, and no one else was doing it, and then Lucasarts cans them.


Frankly I wouldnt mind if Lucasarts comes after us about our SP mod, just so i can tell them to go screw. I doubt they will....our storyline i set in the prime of the jedi, directly after Exar Kun's defeat on Yavin (oops...did i say that?) and its an entirely original story with entirely original characters. If Lucasarts gives us any Sh**, then we'll title it "Super Samurai Lightsword Warriors in Space" and release it anyway ;)


Speaking of which, Emon im sorry but we are not allowing Tyrion to be used in SP mods, since we are hard at work on our own storyline. We want a chance to tell his background first, before people start using him in levels. We have decided that if you want to reskin him, you may, since we're going to be doing Tyrion over from scratch, with a nicer model, nicer skin and facial animations. So essentially the one out right now is a beta version i guess.


so go ahead and skin him as some completly different jedi and you can use him in your sp level.




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