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are there any "ghoul2"type servers out there ?


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I'd kind of like to know of any servers with the "ghoul2, dismember, sabertrace" things enabled? (sorry ,I dont know the proper names for these)

I've read about these in a number of places and it sounds pretty cool, maybe actually close to SP type combat(with all the junk enabled- saberrealistic ,dismember,etc.). If these settings are close to SP then you CAN parry a backsweep/stab. I've seen reborn do it and I've done it(though I dont know how).

Oh well ,heres hoping someone posts a name or ip so Ican see first hand.

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To tell you the truth I believe there are servers out there with Ghoul 2 Collision enabled..... The thing is, I'm not sure which ones have it..... I am sure, however, of servers with dismemberment enabled because I think almost all of them are.... All you need to do is activate it and wait for the settings to take play. The server I usually frequent one called "Van BC Feed the Need" and it has dismemberment enabled and I believe that the Ghoul 2 Collision will work there as well..... I'm also sure that the two new stances work in this server because I was just playing there a few hours ago. Anyway, I know I haven't been much help but if you need to ask any more questions, I'm here. See you on the servers.



-Darth Vitruvio (My name on the servers is: Darth Vitruvio (purple font).

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