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Ban IP Address - Detailed

Darth Wicked

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Alright, I'm not one to ban players from my server for anything outside of cheating(which is virtually non-existent on JK2 servers, and wouldn't do you any good anyways outside of god-mode).


Though it seems our Clan has become quite popular on our servers, and a few imposters, and poser Admin's are trying to scare the regulars. So, I've got their IP addresses and ports and want to permanently ban them.


Now, there is no command for this, this much is clear to me. But in the server.cfg you can list the IP's to ban.


However, I do not know how to ban more than one IP.


seta g_banIPs ""


Not the actual IP, but, how do I seperate them? with a space? a comma? a semi-colon?


seta g_banIPs ","


seta g_banIPs ";"


seta g_banIPs ""


Any help on this would be appreciated.



I am waiting for MatrixCPA to reply now, lol. After seeing he is running around the forum answer questions like a madman.


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