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someone should make a Matrix mod for this game


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i think it'd be awsome. Instead of force powers, you could Load various skills, like one that, when activated (like Force Absorb), would make you dodge bullets. The melee combat system could be changed so you could use Kung Fu, or swords and stuff like in the previews for Matrix Reloaded. You can already do all the acrobatic stuff, so the hardest part would be all the weapons.

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I completely disagree with that statement. If TC's like Counter-Strike or Day of Defeat were never made, TC's that were radically different from the original premise of Half-Life, i don't think anyone would still be playing that game. If someone made a Quake III Matrix mod, the results would be the same eventually, but Outcast would be a better place to start with because of the Force Powers.

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I agree, star wars should stay with star wars. But, if you want to have a little matrix effect in Single Player, type

thereisnospoon in the console, then kyle will dode bullets in bullet time. I do it all the time. But remeber to type in devmapall first.


Hope that helps.


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Dude, Max Payne is much, much better for Matrix mods. I've played one of the Matrix TCs for it, and it just plain rocks! Plus, a Matrix mod for JK2 would require tons of new animations to be any good, which, in turn, require a certain spendy program...that is, if you go the legal way.

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