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Hmm... I wonder... Could it be true?

Darth Sadao

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I have been hearing that the saber color really does matter, in the movies at least. I was wondering was it true.

I've heard stuff like the red saber is somewhat stronger than the others and it is more of an aggressive saber, in which I can see how it could be true judging how all the Sith and Dooku use red.

Blue is supposed to be more evasive. Good power but better agility.

Green, well, I'm not too sure about green.

Purple, no ideal.

Orange, I'm thinking great strength awesome defense, good evasiveness (darn, I can't spell that freakin' word..).

Yellow, I'm not really sure what to think about yellow.


So tell me, are the saber colors more than what they seem? Is there really a story behind them?

Also if you don't mind. What is your favorite color to use and why if you want to add.


-Darth Sadao :emperor:

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well, to the last question, my favorite saber color is yellow. Its kinda like a medium, ya know, between light and dark. I use whether i'm light or dark, it makes no difference, although if its just me the color seems a little stronger when i'm dark. eeri.

about the colors. from all the movies heres what i came up with.

red - dark jedi, strong defense, offense (more offense than defense), but ultimately fails.

orange - probably a training color, dunno

yellow, a color they should have used, all the greens and purples was annoying

green - strong light jedi, (more defense than offense, training, more tequnique), represents control and balance, eventually, will always win vs. dark (since they usually don't fight each other), (in the end: i.e. qui-gon and obi-wan vs. darth mal, luke vs. darth and emp., yoda and dooku)

blue - the color of training for a light jedi. represents power, but little to no control. will almost always lose to a true dark jedi

purple - this is just my opinion, but purple sucks, mace windu has it buts he kinda a moron, ya know. not to strike him down, but why doesn't he have a green? i think yoda shoulda had a yellow, would have been so awesome.

this is just me.

~ Jedimaster01 ~

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Luke Skywalker had a blue saber first, but change to a green and Episode 6, so that might be correct... but in that case, there is something wrong with Episode 2. In episode 1, QuiGon used a green and ObiWan a blue. But in the next episode, where ObiWan was a Jedi knight, and Anakin only a padawn, ObiWan still used his novice blue, while Anakin had a green one...

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i think colors are just colors, they cannot take on other qualities becides just being a color in a sabers case. the saber color is defined by the crystle inside, nothing more. the power source in the saber is what would determine strength since the sabercolors don't represent energy wave-lenght.


in any case for the light side the jedi's pick a color as a personal preference, within the traditonal rule of only blue or green to represent the peacefull ideals of the jedi. the sith use red as it symbolizes agression and power to strike fear in targets. it also has to do with that they use artificial crystals in their sabers instead of genuine ones.


in episode 2 both obi and anakin used blue, so obviously it doesn't have to do with rank. anakin had a green one late in the movie at random when a jedi tossed him a spare saber once the calvalry arrived.


luke was stuck with the blue saber because it was given to him and had no reason to make another. once he lost it, he made a new one with green as it may be his fave color. who knows?


hell the main reason that the green saber even exists in the first place is a movie production problem. lucas origionally wanted just blue=good red=bad, but the blue saber could barely be seen against the tattooine desert so they made it a easier to see green.

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Originally posted by Rocketman


in any case for the light side the jedi's pick a color as a personal preference, within the traditonal rule of only blue or green to represent the peacefull ideals of the jedi. the sith use red as it symbolizes agression and power to strike fear in targets. it also has to do with that they use artificial crystals in their sabers instead of genuine ones.


I think the colors are really nothing more than the drama effects of the movie. were red is always associated with hot, passion, blood, pain. and blue cool, relaxzation(self confidence), peacefulness. just to make the viewers know the bad guys from the good. ;)


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the red sabers as you know the sith use them right and the jedi use the other colored sabers, and the red sabers are sith sabers

they are made with sinthetic crystals unlike a jedis saber is made with the real stuff the sith inhance the crystals power so being cut with an sith saber whould hurt more than being cut withe a jedis saber.and i think the color of the saber also indicates the way someone uses the force personaly i think the sith should have a black saber it'll match their soal. for more info click here.







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that is a good question young padwan. the answer has been spoken by wise Jedi Knights before me. but to add my own force to this debate. Red will only be used by the evil Jedi Knights. Blue , green, will be used by the good Jedi Knights. The purple light saber was specifically made for mace windu, who is one of the most powerfull of all Jedi Knights but is one of the least agile.:atat:

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of course, i agree completely with mace zindu and the wise jedi behind him; saber colors don't matter. just made myself sound important, don't mind it. besides, it seems like a one sided argument, and those aren't very productive without being provacative. still think the blues and greens suck, though. in small numbers (obi-wan and qui-gon) they are cool, but in large numbers (big jedi battle) it is stupid. insert a random white, orange, yellow or black. i still believe yoda shouda had a yellow saber, why'd they give him green? hes already green enough. oh well. noone's perfect.

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ObiWan still used his novice blue, while Anakin had a green one...


Gravely mistaking you are! :yoda:


You are refering to the climatic arena battle and lightsaber duels at the end of the movie, but those are not Anakins and Obiwans sabers. If you looked closely at the arena battle, you would have noticed that a jedi gave them temp lightsabers, those sabers are not theirs! Obiwans real saber was taken away when he was caught and taken away by the destroyer droids; and Anakins saber stopped funtioning when it was crushed by the droid producing machine. In episode 2, both Anakin and Obiwan had blue lightsabers.







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