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It's pretty sad when there are around 80 people browsing this board and only 4 or 5 of them our posting. :p We need to get more opinions in here. So here's an idea I had when I first starting playing AoC and then later wanted it for SWGB. Why doesn't LucasArts work on making multi-player campaigns/scenarios? Yeah, I know, it might be difficult to get it set up right, but if people can develop multi-player rpgs...



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I figured if there were MP campaigns/scenarios, one way they could be played is CO-OP. Say one person plays Gungans while another plays Naboo against the computer (TF). Of course, since it's a campaign the players have to achieve various goals, which could be a co-op objective (either player can complete a specific goal or BOTH must complete a specific goal) or individual objectives (the other player can help, say with military support, but can't complete the goal).


Of course, the other variation would be against each other. Each player (or team) would have their own goals and the person who completes the goal first would win the individual scenario. One thing I like about this option (which would require additional work, both in creating extra scenarios and in game design) is that the next scenario played would be determined by whomever wins a given scenario. Basically it would work like a winner/loser bracket, ultimately resulting in various paths and conclusions for campaigns.



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Well, LA has shown itself to take more notice of player feedback than usual with the development of CC. There could be hope yet...


And I think multiplayer vs. scenarios would be really cool. Not particularly difficult to implement either.

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