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Attn: Ghoul 2, Sabertrace, Fan Version Mod Players .. ASE Filters!


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I'm going to make an official request to have ASE support this mod - Fan's Version (known as Truesaber to the master servers).


The actual mod name for the "fan version mod" is: truesaber


Here's how to setup a modifier for ASE:


Run ASE.


Filter - New:


Name: JK TrueSaber (aka Fan Version) - or whatever you want.


In the filter:


1 if gamename ~== "*TrueSaber*" goto 3

2 remove


Bubble - "Modifier"


Click "OK"


Now here's where it gets interesting.


Using ASE you can click on all the options you want - CTF, FFA, amount of players, ping, and then click on the True Saber modifier (at the bottom).


You can turn that into a stand-alone filter by choosing:


Filter - Combine - choose normal filter.


It allows you to combine any modifiers into one filter.


Make sure the options list exactly what you want before you combine them - or you'll have to make a new combined filter or edit the existing one.


If you need more help - reply to this thread.


For info on the Fan Version (truesaber) mod that enables Ghoul 2 and all the settings we love, go here:



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There are servers running with the name - GSD - which stands for Ghoul 2 on, SaberTrace Off, Dismemberment on.


You can find those as well with a modifier - I'll copy and paste the truesaber instructions with changes:


Here's how to setup a modifier for ASE:


Run ASE.


Filter - New:


Name: JK2 GSD


In the filter:


1 if sv_hostname ~== "*gsd*" goto 3

2 remove


Bubble - "Modifier"


Click "OK"


Now here's where it gets interesting.


Using ASE you can click on all the options you want - CTF, FFA, amount of players, ping, and then click on the JK2 GSD modifier (at the bottom).


You can turn that into a stand-alone filter by choosing:


Filter - Combine - choose normal filter.


It allows you to combine any modifiers into one filter.


Make sure the options list exactly what you want before you combine them - or you'll have to make a new combined filter or edit the existing one.


If you need more help - reply to this thread.


I suggest making filters for both GSD and TrueSaber in order to find all the servers running the three options - ghoul 2, sabertrace off, and dismemberment.


Have fun!

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You should be able click both modifiers and combine a filter to look for both at the sametime.


For example, I have a new filter (not modifier) that has the following:


Name: JK2 GSD and Truesaber


Filter contains:


1 if servertype != "JK2" remove

2 if gamename ~== "*truesaber*" keep

3 if sv_hostname ~!= "*gsd*" remove


If you have any problems, post here.



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