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1.02 AND 1.03 on the same harddrive?

Ready Wan

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Is it possible to load 1.02 AND 1.03 on the same hard drive?

I cant get the cd to load again, as it sees jko on the HD.

I even tried renaming it, but it didnt work either.


I have the HD space to do this, and It'd be great to have both (1.02 for LAN and 1.03 for the GSD stuff).


please help me, or point me in the right direction.





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well, that seems to be the problem. I cant get to the option to install the game. when I go to the cd to install, it asks me if I want to delete the current installation.


I cant get to any option that starts the install process.



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Make a couple files named 1.02.bat and 1.03.bat and place them in your jk2\gamedata directory


right click 102.bat and choose edit, inside put these commands


@echo off

copy jk2mp.102 jk2mp.exe /Y

move base\assets2.pk3 base\assets2.103


in 103.bat put these commands


@echo off

copy jk2mp.103 jk2mp.exe /Y

move base\assets2.103 base\assets2.pk3


now rename jk2mp.exe to jk2mp.102 and then install the 1.03 patch, when done rename the new jk2mp.exe to jk2mp.103


now all thats needed to switch versions is to click 102.bat when you want a 1.02 game and 103.bat if you want to play 1.03 (much better than having 2 seperate installations don't you think?)


be warned that before you play 1.03 you might want to backup or rename your jk2mpconfig.cfg for 1.02 and let the game generate a new config for 1.03, if not you might have some conflicts as i did.


btw this isn't my idea, i downloaded the bat files awhile ago from someone else on this board, can't remember who. :jawa

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I guess I'm running into the problem you mentioned...


I can get 1.03 to run, but not 1.02


I had backed up my config file from 1.02, and when 1.03 started just fine but 1.02 wouldnt, I copied 1.02 config over the 1.03 and

then 1.02 worked...but 1.03 didnt.


heh. got you confused?


somehow I got 1.03 working, but 1.02 wont work at all now.


do I need to have a different config file for both 1.02 and 1.03?

and when I want to play I have to put the right config file in the base dir before clicking on the appropriate .bat file?



I'm confused :)


thanks for any help.



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seems u got a problem with assets2.pk3


If it s still present in the "base" directory u will have an error when launching 1.02 ( it s showed in the console )


So basically the trick is just to replace the 1.03 exes with 1.02 exes and get rid of assets2.pk3 in base directory for 1.02 and restore it for 1.03 ( what the bat described here are supposed to do )


If u can t do it with bat ...do it manually, if it works then it s that your bat are not edited correctly

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Originally posted by Ready Wan

I guess I'm running into the problem you mentioned...


I can get 1.03 to run, but not 1.02


I had backed up my config file from 1.02, and when 1.03 started just fine but 1.02 wouldnt, I copied 1.02 config over the 1.03 and

then 1.02 worked...but 1.03 didnt.


heh. got you confused?


somehow I got 1.03 working, but 1.02 wont work at all now.


do I need to have a different config file for both 1.02 and 1.03?

and when I want to play I have to put the right config file in the base dir before clicking on the appropriate .bat file?



I'm confused :)


thanks for any help.



Yep you got it except it doesn't matter if you click the bat files first, just don't run the game before the proper config is in there. You can make two more bat files to do that too if you want


rename the configs to jk2mpconfig102.cfg and jk2mpconfig103.cfg and put both in the base dir


make two bat files and in the first put


copy jk2mpconfig102.cfg jk2mpconfig.cfg /Y


and in the second put


copy jk2mpconfig103.cfg jk2mpconfig.cfg /Y


that will lessen the hassle a bit, get it down to a double click instead of having to copy or rename manually each time. :cool:


and Orangina_Rouge the bats work fine for me every time i use them, i copy/pasted the commands straight from them. So ya if it doesn't work then it's probably a typo or something.

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Well, I moved assets2.pk3 out of the base dir and put in my 1.02 config and it worked great.

then I moved the assets2 file and the config for 1.03 and THAT worked great.


so I guess I need to do it all manually (not a big deal), or fix the .bat file?

I thought I did it correctly.


this is the file called 102.bat



@echo off

copy jk2mp.102 jk2mp.exe /Y

move base\assets2.pk3 base\assets2.103



and here's the 103.bat


@echo off

copy jk2mp.103 jk2mp.exe /Y

move base\assets2.103 base\assets2.pk3


does that look right?

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Ya that looks right, don't understand why it isn't working correctly, i must have missed something. If you want to give me your email i will send the original bat files to you which will definetly work. (shoulda done that in the first place lol)

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I did about the same as those .bat files but only I do it myself everytime. After a while I got bored and just copied the entire 1.02 game in one dir and then pathced the game in the old dir, now I have two games :) They occupy twice as much but at least it saves me time.

The .bat files is a better idea.

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Thanks Deetox, but I went ahead and copied my jko folder and put the 1.03 stuff in it, then made two shortcuts to each version.

works like a charm. I have the HD space, so this works :)


hopefully we'll have a patch that'll unite all the players before I run outa HD space

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