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looking for feedback on my editing website


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Hey there, nice site, but can do with a few improvments frist of all add this withen in each pages <body> tag




topmargin="0" marginheight="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0"



this will make it so all of your graphics will go flush with the browser, will make it look nice :)


add some buttons instead of text links for every page, nothing fancy but text links are really only used with tehre are a grip of pages on a news site. Oh and your top title bar and left bar were the menu is, should look as one, so you mitgh wana re do that to make it look liek a nice and flush inerface.

otehr ethan that its cool :) i will defnatly use it.


what evre you decid add that dam code will maek whole site look alot better

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Thanks for the feedback on the site (and the beta map).


Savi, I took your suggestion about the margins, and you're right--it looks a lot better.


I think the next tutorial will be about single player ICARUS scripting. I really haven't seen a "definitive guide" to it yet...

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