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Don't bash raven..Bash Lucas


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Interview with Raven Dev:


What, if anything, would you like to say about the negative reaction by a part of the community to the latest patch?


I’d have to say some people have some valid points about a couple things that can be exploited and I’d love to get a few fixes out there… and some people are a bit misinformed about what the patch actually did. In the end, though, that decision is up to LucasArts, not us, so all I can do is cross my fingers with the rest of you, really.


This is been out for awhile and yet I still see people complaining about how raven don't want to help us. Its because of lucas not because they are being a-holes and working on SOF2 as some of you might think.


So when you complain please replace all complains about raven not helping with lucas not helping ;P

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