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Question time.....


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Ok so I have asked this before but....


1. Where have my shaders gone, the shaders being all my sky shaders except one, and some shaders from other texture sets..

Please someone help me get them back, I have know installed JK2 on three comps know and GTKRadient and the same three??


2. How do I remove pieces of brushes from brushes. ie have a square brush and I want to remove a cilender shape brush from the centre of the brush??



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1. You may have ticked "no shaders", which will stop them from displaying. Otherwise, not to sure.


2. You need to perform what's called a CSG subtract. This is the method you SHOULD have been using to make doors etc. Basically, you put a shape "inside" another shape, and, making sure you've got the shape selected, click the CSG Subtract button. (it's on the toolbar, 2 left of the "hollow" button, a grid icon i think). Then delete the shape, and voila! a hole is left. You can't actually cut holes using a cylinder as it isn't a solid brush...just a bent patch. You need to make a brush, click the Brush menu, select arbitrary sides, then put a good high number in (50 max). Be warned, this can seriously shag up the brush though :)


Hope that helps...i'm sure Xcom will come along and piss on my chips in a minute :)

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Originally posted by dvader28

2. You need to perform what's called a CSG subtract.


Hope that helps...i'm sure Xcom will come along and piss on my chips in a minute :)


Well, I'm not Xcom but no! No! NO! Don't use CSG subtract! Never! Ever! Use the clipper. Drag vertices or edges. Build clean and not arbitrary. Do anything else you want...

(EDIT: Anything else besides free rotation. :rolleyes: )


Using CGS subtract is a very bad idea leading to low fps and long compile times - just to name two horrible side effects.

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Originally posted by Atolm


Well, I'm not Xcom but no! No! NO! Don't use CSG subtract! Never! Ever! Use the clipper. Drag vertices or edges. Build clean and not arbitrary. Do anything else you want...

(EDIT: Anything else besides free rotation. :rolleyes: )


Using CGS subtract is a very bad idea leading to low fps and long compile times - just to name two horrible side effects.


Xcom would have told you the same thing ;)

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Originally posted by Redvan

how do you propose to do it then? CSG sounds like an answer to prayers to me


Believe me it isn't.


Brushes are always convex and hence one cannot just make a hole without splitting the brush into smaller pieces.

CGS subtract does these splits BUT in a very inefficient and virtually unpredictable way (if you are working with complex shapes).


Therefore you should always make all brushes manually putting them together under inspection.


Thus, you will avoid overlapping of visible faces, sparklies, irregularly shaped brushes, unnecessary work for your compiler and your pc, blahblahblah ... :)

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Select your brush.

Press x (clipper tool)

Now put 2 points on your brush, that will be the clipline.

You got 3 options now :


press enter = The part that is visible will remain

ctrl + enter = The visible part switches => visible part will remain if you press enter afterwards

shift + enter = both parts will remail.


Atolm and Xcom, both dutch dudes from holland ;) are right. Ow this hurts :D

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Thanks again for the help... but has anyone got an answer to my missing shaders question.... :confused: Would it make a difference if I installed the game off of a copyed version of JK2, I don't think it matters but just incase...:confused:

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Heh, didn't know I was Dutch. :rolleyes: But thanks for the agreement.


Ah, and yes: Listen to the wise words of the French ( ;) ) UniKorn! Whereas I was just muttering theoretical stuff he actually provided practical help. :o

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When I uncheck the showshaders it leaves me with just the skies not the red and black boxes which should be the shaders. In the box at the bottom of screen its coming up with errors saying:



Looked for a 'C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWJK2JO\GameData\Radiant/shortcuts.ini' keyboard shortcuts file, not found

Entering message loop

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/radiant/shadernotex.tga

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/stars

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/skies/space_bk.jpg

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/stars_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/test_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_up.jpg

Loaded 21 shaders and created default shader for 37 orphan textures.

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When I uncheck the showshaders it leaves me with just the skies not the red and black boxes which should be the shaders. In the box at the bottom of screen its coming up with errors saying:



Looked for a 'C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWJK2JO\GameData\Radiant/shortcuts.ini' keyboard shortcuts file, not found

Entering message loop

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/radiant/shadernotex.tga

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/stars

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/skies/space_bk.jpg

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

texture not found for shader: textures/skies/sky

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/bespin_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert2_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/desert_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/nebula2_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/space_up.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/stars_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/test_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_bk.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_dn.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_ft.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_lf.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_rt.jpg

LOADED: textures/skies/yavin_up.jpg

Loaded 21 shaders and created default shader for 37 orphan textures.

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Sorry about double post:confused:

I did'nt try and make my own...

The only skies in the skies textre set are just the ones that came with the game and red/blacks boxes which shoul dbe the shaders..

I said a while ago that I once had these shaders, but the next day they turn into the red/black boxes

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First of all there is no Radiant reference texture for the sky shaders (which is normal). Obviously Raven did not inlude it. Nevertheless the shaders are still fully functional.




Originally posted by Mech-Ryu

Would it make a difference if I installed the game off of a copyed version of JK2.

Are you talking about pirating software and violating law? :confused: If that's the case you should NOT expect any further help... :mad:

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It was copyed version I copyed for my self off of my own JK2 cd which I brought..


But please someone help its not just the sky shaders that are missing its serveral other shaders.........:confused:


And the answer to kyle is I most probaly am.. :confused:

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