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Help! SV_MAXRATE not wroking


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Hi. I have the variable set on my decicated server to limit the rate of the clients but it is not working. I have a line in my config like

seta sv_maxrate "10000"


But when I look at the server status the clients are all at 25000


What am I doing wrong? Am I missing anything? Thanks.


Also if its not too much trouble could someone post the commands to call a custom map rotation from a different config file. Thanks!

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To answer your second question you might include the following line in your server.cfg:


exec rotate.cfg


Then you would need file called rotate.cfg in your base folder that contains the rotation. You can either put the exec at the end of the server.cfg and call the map rotation from the rotate.cfg file. Or, you can just have the rotation in the rotate.cfg and call the rotation from the server.cfg.

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