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I use backstab to finish off people, am I a n00b cause of it?


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Apparently, anyone who backstabs in a fight to win is a n00b. But, id like to address a question to the fellow players of JK2.


I play server hoping from low ping server from low ping server as the name of SwiftBlade and I use the pull/BS combo whenever I see an obvious non-defensive attack is called for to take down my opponent. Its not like I run right into battle and pull/trip to Backstab as soon as I possibly can, but I do use the combo when I know the person is penetrable toward the move. I do the same with the Mind Trick and BackStab also. Is this considered spamming? Someone please comment.

I mean, seriously, its not like I asswalk like the other morons that are n00bs. Ive only been playing for a week, but I think I have grown with the teachings of 1 "Mon Mothma > all" to become very skilled.


Also, I do usualy win most rounds I play in because of it, but don't spam it.


Any suggestions, please note here. And thank you for the feedback.

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no your not a noob, Its that most people dont know how to block the move so they accuse you of being cheap. Just ignore them and continue to give but whippens. I find that if its not pull backstab, then you will get killed by them using lightning or speed and rage or they will continuely heal themselves. If I see a player has any of these force powers I pull and backstab as soon as possible. I dont use heal or lightning or absorb so this would be my only option to kill these players. Otherwises I am signing my own death sentence.

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Yes. You are a cheap unskilled fighter, but don't worry too much. Most skilled people will cop onto your shít tactics soon into a game and kick your ass.

Why don't you try being skillful, use different moves to kill people.


Or are you trolling here?

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i dont think so, no, definately not, unless thats all you ever do.


if you answer "yes" to one of the questions below, i would rule you off as a noob:


1) do you constantly and repeatedly just spam that one combo?


2) do you often run ass-first, waving around your sabre, in hope that you'd run into your opponent and execute the backstab?


3) would you be hopeless in a match if that combo was unavailable to you?

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Originally posted by fink_dix

Yes. You are a cheap unskilled fighter, but don't worry too much. Most skilled people will cop onto your shít tactics soon into a game and kick your ass.

Why don't you try being skillful, use different moves to kill people.


Or are you trolling here?


I wasn't looked to getting crapped on. And its not like I do it all the frigin time. Im new to the game, and most of the time people cant defend it so I finish them off with it. I do use other moves to kill people, namely DFA helicopter and the yellow strife moves.

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Originally posted by leelink

no your not a noob, Its that most people dont know how to block the move so they accuse you of being cheap. Just ignore them and continue to give but whippens. I find that if its not pull backstab, then you will get killed by them using lightning or speed and rage or they will continuely heal themselves. If I see a player has any of these force powers I pull and backstab as soon as possible. I dont use heal or lightning or absorb so this would be my only option to kill these players. Otherwises I am signing my own death sentence.


Hmmm... strange. I don't use lightning, or absorb, or heal, and I don't pull and backstab, and for some ultimately fascinating reason, I seem to be able to kill plenty of people!!!!

Isn't that one weird eh?


By the way. I don't use backstab unless....

a) It presents itself as a good option in the middle of a duel

b) some fool is chasing me and allows me to pull it off.

c) some fool starts chasing me aroun backwards.

d) some fool keeps pulling\backstabbing everyone.


I find I enjoy myself and my kills alot more, becaus I know I've put up a good fight for them.

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Originally posted by Jevesus

i dont think so, no, definately not, unless thats all you ever do.


if you answer "yes" to one of the questions below, i would rule you off as a noob:


1) do you constantly and repeatedly just spam that one combo?


2) do you often run ass-first, waving around your sabre, in hope that you'd run into your opponent and execute the backstab?


3) would you be hopeless in a match if that combo was unavailable to you?


1) No, I think I did that for one day and stopped it because.. well its a game and it wasn't fun spamming like a flamer


2)NEVER! I hate that. I usually use the combo on people that ass-run!


3) As long as me and my opponent have the equal advantage, nope.

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Originally posted by Toxicity!

How would it sound f I were only to use it when?


1) People are assrunning and deserve the pain

2) I see an open oppurtunity and the time calls for it

3) I dont repeatedly perform it.



That sound good to you all?


Well, that's what I do. Sorry to flame you, maybe I took you up a bit wrong, but the spamming of this move, angers me alot. It takes so much fun out of the game, although it's quite alot of fun killing the fúckers who do spam it :D

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Originally posted by fink_dix


Hmmm... strange. I don't use lightning, or absorb, or heal, and I don't pull and backstab, and for some ultimately fascinating reason, I seem to be able to kill plenty of people!!!!

Isn't that one weird eh?


and your saying you dont pull and backstab. You must be playing some sucky players. a full lightning blast would bring you down to 30 health and then all they would have to do is is a saberthrow with pull to kill you. I guess you could use protect, but you still take damage and it would deplete your force pool leaving you helpless to a push or pull from the other player.

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Originally posted by leelink


and your saying you dont pull and backstab. You must be playing some sucky players. a full lightning blast would bring you down to 30 health and then all they would have to do is is a saberthrow with pull to kill you. I guess you could use protect, but you still take damage and it would deplete your force pool leaving you helpless to a push or pull from the other player.


No I don't pull and backstab!! I've been playing a short while though and I'm now considering changing my force powers around. I use grip, push and pull and all saber full.


I find I mainly get killed by lightning freaks. I used to use lightning, but then I thought it was a bit of a cop out, so I stopped. Grip I only use on backstabbers, or else to throw people off ledges etc...


I like to have decent saber fights, but yeah I reckon you're right. I'm probably gonna have to use absorb or somethin.

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Originally posted by leelink

no your not a noob, Its that most people dont know how to block the move so they accuse you of being cheap. Just ignore them and continue to give but whippens. I find that if its not pull backstab, then you will get killed by them using lightning or speed and rage or they will continuely heal themselves. If I see a player has any of these force powers I pull and backstab as soon as possible. I dont use heal or lightning or absorb so this would be my only option to kill these players. Otherwises I am signing my own death sentence.


........dun be a lamer please. Any idiot can use that lame **** technique. Turn and press back+attack. Simple only that people want to have some FUN and earn some EXPERIENCE playing games. Winning is not all that matters

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Look, players that use that technique use it quite often cause they know it works, I hunt people that use that technique myself I kill only them cuase its a cheap non skill move, if you use it to get as much kills as you need (as most do) than you really have no type of skills (basically you are a nooB) and peole like you make me just want to go back to playing tribes 2 full time instead of JKII (Tribes 2 is much more advance and require more skills than pull backstab move, who cares I play this game on my spare time anyway)

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I used to have a different opinion on this move as I found it to be pretty lame for someone to knock you down, and turn completly around just to get that one hit kill on you, but ive recently changed my theory on that, and no its not because I now use it. (for some reason i just cant get the hang of it) but because of this reason alone.


I usually run around playing with my groovy light side force powers because darkside is so easy to counter. (but thats another post in itself) and one thing ill do as a regular part of my game is I WILL PULL YOU DOWN as a first attempt at killing you, if you get close enough to me. if this dosent work then I try a different tactic untill I find one that works on them whether its kick, DFA, running slash or whatever. now I have found that people who pull you down as much as I do/will, almost always (id say 95% plus) will do a backstab or backsweep on you, thus making people mad and getting alot of complaints started. however no one ever complains when I pull them down and use a regular heavy slash swing, why???? Because im not killing them in one hit. Dont get me wrong I still kill them 8 out of every 10 times with one hit or a followup second slash to finish them off. So what makes that any different then using the Backstab/sweep combo??? sure you can counter it sometimes but other times you cant then you get frustrated. So based on all this ive decided that if you have a wide variety of skills to account for the situation and one happens to be that then great, but if your entire game revolves around pull/backstab/sweep because you cant kill anyother way, then your lame, and based on what youve posted above you do have several other moves you can/will use and my opinion is let the whiners whine for after taking enough A$$ kickings the will adjust or just quit playing.

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