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How do u do the Heavy Downward Hack

Ferrara Z23

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hmm...you mean the normal attack?


it's pretty simple...push forward then attack.


forward...then attack..




fi you put the jump in there I guess you mean DFA.


you have to push forward, then attack. WHen you almost complete the attack, you then jump+attack..nto at the end of the first swing..mroe between the middle and the end.

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you don't have to move or anything...as long as you are performing a downward swing and it's somewhere past the first half of the swing, then you can just press forward+jump+attack and he'll suddenly spring forward with that heavy swing i call a power swing...i thought the DFA was the yellow stance one...

you can even jump and attack such that when you land ur saber is halfwa thru the swing then you do the power swing...lots of variations...


but personally i find this hard to do because the first swing would take around 1 second so i'll have to anticipate their movements. I still can't get good with it so i only use it when i see clusters of people fighting and i remember about this move. i'll switch to heavy stance and do it and sometimes when i'm lucky i kill 2 people.

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I suggest running forward, starting a swing, and MIDSWING (when saber is above head) you press jump. It's much more consistent this way, though a little time consuming. DFA's been nerfed anyhow, the only way I see it useful is on a scaffold like in Nar Shadda MP map.

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