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how do i make the effect of falling to death?


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I was told it's only avalible in MP but when Kyle get's dropped off at Bespin if you fall it does the same sort of effect


I think for MP it's a trigger_hurt then you press "N" and add in the "key" dmg and in the "value" add -1


Somthing like that anyway I don't really know I've never made it work I just want it for SP

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I was testing this for my single player level, and i found that the

-1 thing dosent seem to work in sp.


However what you can do is the following:


create a trigger hurt


click the "falling" box in the entity properties


clik the "lockcam" box aswell


And then trype in


KEY: count

VALUE: 5000


What this will do is


1. make the player do the falling animation (falling box)


2.lock the camera into place so as not to follow the player all the way to the ground (lockcam box)


3. fade the camera to black over a period of 5 seconds (key:count value: 5000)

you can tweek this so that the camera fades as fast as you want it to:)


With these commands you should be able to customise the way you want the player to fall:)


Hope this helps:D

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It still doesn't work with a falling animation here is what I have setup in the trigger_hurt entity window




Dmg set to "1"

Count set to "5000"


and the camera still doesn't lock but he dies


what am I doing wrong I just want it to do what it does on the bespin undercity


Maybe I have set the floor up the wrong way all I did was put in a brush the size of my floor and added trigger_hurt then put in the properties can someone please help me out on this!

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This does work in SP. I tested it with the following setup for trigger_hurt.




dmg "2"

wait "0.1"

count "1000"


trigger_hurt should be big enough for the player to actually fall thru.

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Ok I managed to get it working not how it should though


I have a platform suspended high above the ground and if kyle falls off the platform he dies but not with the trigger_hurt it's just too far for him to fall and he kills himself, but if I jump off the platform and do a roll to stop him being hurt he survives and his health starts dropping very rapidly THEN once he dies the falling lockcam thing comes on


So to sum up if he falls without a roll he dies no falling cam and if he falls and does a roll I get a falling lockcam all that stuff that's meant to happen but itsn't

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thanks everyone but i still have a problem.


this is mp btw..


the body remains!! so when i look down after i have been respawned, i can still see my old body lying in the sky below me. not good. how can i fix this? (i'm using the bespin sky btw..)

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