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Crashes and Freezes on load screens


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i'm on of the poor kids who has a Voodoo3 cards, so Jedi Knight is screwed up as all hell.

I have the problems with slow loading time, freezes when I try to load a saved game at any time other than freshly opening up the program, and occasional graphic wierdness, but I can get by with that.

But now I've started having problems with levels loading, and its stopping me from playing.

The first one is after the mission wher eyou rescue LAndo and make you escape on his ship; I beat the level, and the cinema plays fine, but when it goes to load the bespin undercity, the load bar gets about 1/4 full and then freezes up. I cant alt+tab, alt+f4, or ctrl+alt+del out of it. I can only get out via a hard reset.

I figured I could get by without playign the mission, so I dug up the chets and told it to skip to the next level, which loaded just fine, and played through just fine.

However, when I beat desann's assistent and went to move onto the Cairn, I had another freeze up. I had to hard reset again, and I tried agian. THe tihgn loade dup all the way, but as soon as it finifhse,d the game disappeared and left me at my desktop with the colors all distorted and super light.. Another restart, and now it sorta randomly picks to freeze or to disappear and go super light.


I'm runnin on Windows 98, Intel Pentium II, 384 MB RAM, Directx 8.1 and Voodoo3(with the driver that Lucasarts.com told me to get to stop the GL problem).


I'd appreciate any help with this, 'cause I really wanan get back to the game 8) THanks.



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