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DON'T use CSG ???


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So you're telling me to make a door i have to manually arrange brushes around a hole? And how the frick are you sposed to use clip to make a door? I followed Bubba's tutorials to make a door using CSG, and i have no problems at all.

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i admit it i was adicted to CSQ subtract...but i have in time come away from my evil and disruptive works and discovered the joys the the CLIPPER brings to those who accept it...sure it take a little long to make the same brushes but in the end you get less t-junctions/sparkles, and better fps




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Originally posted by dvader28

Ok, how do you use the clipper to make door ways? i thought it was just to take corners off brushes etc...


Actually there is much more to clipping besides cutting off edges. You can even use 3 point clipping to make diamond shaped brushes (but that's another story :D )


Anyway, I personally don't use clipper tool to make doorways. I create brushes, resize them (drag edges if needed) and place them in position, pretty much like Lego. ;)

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it will do the smae in most cases as CSQ cept it will only affect the brush you have selected. select the brush you want to cut a hole and hit X for clipper mode, the place 1 and 2 in a straight line on the brush where you want one side of the door hit shift-enter to split the brushes then deselect the one side and do the same thing for the other side of the door shift-enter, deselete that side, so now you should have your wall split into three vertical brushs next to each other select the middle on and make a line for the top on the door way shift-enter and the select the middle brush (the part you where your door is) and delete it, or make it your door. if your trying to connect to rooms do the same thing but select the to walls your trying to connect insteaof justy the one it will speed up the work




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Originally posted by Xcom


Actually there is much more to clipping besides cutting off edges. You can even use 3 point clipping to make diamond shaped brushes (but that's another story :D )


Anyway, I personally don't use clipper tool to make doorways. I create brushes, resize them (drag edges if needed) and place them in position, pretty much like Lego. ;)


LOL same here, I still treat GtK like lego blocks (No, I don't play legos anylonger) - it makes everything seem so much easier :D :D :D


*sniff sniff* Good ol' legos.. how I miss youth :(

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