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Playing Through MSN


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Hi, me and My friend want to duel eachother in JK2..We usin MSN Messenger..I clicked Actions->Start JK2..He accepted and it launched the game..after that we dont know what to do, or how to set anything up? Do I create a server or somethin? And how would he join my game? Thanks for any help.



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i've tried MSN Gaming Zone, and that didn't work, but I think that is my ISP problem


I'm guestimating that your problem is that MSN is telling Jedi Outcast to open the multiplayer mode, it isn't telling it to create a server on one computer and put both in the server.


I suggest that you either

a) find a server in common to play on

b) one of you creates a server and you play together on it


Good Luck:)

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Originally posted by Rage2021

ok i dont know how to create the server paert.actually I do, but the problem is joining the server, what are the different methods of joining your friends server after they create one? thanks.


ip (type in the console [shift ~ to bring it down] connect ip

game list (just tell them the name of the server and look for it

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