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WIP: Duel Frogger


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ya that works

Where will the buses be flying around?

Will it be the same streets or their own pattern so to speak?

Also update us when you get your new rotated models then see if they work right and then post a pic of car flying(i gotta see it!) :)

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Sorry guys, internet was down :(. My modeler helper hasn't finished makeing all my new models :(, but I don't blame him because it's freaking hard. I'm sorry guys, but it doesn't look like I'll meet my beta deadline of tommorow. I'm takeing the map w/ me on my dad's laptop for our vacation, and I promise I will make everything perfect. All I'll have to do is attack the models then the map will be DONE. I'm sorry about it, but there's nothing I can do to change that.


I understand what pud said, it's a reference to a movie, a funny one at that.

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So was I, but my helper guy is busy with a school. He offered to finish them tonight, but I didn't want anything to be a rush job (and I didn't wanna rush to implement them today). So, a week from now, I will return, collect my new models, and finish this KICK ASS MAP.


PS: Plus this gives you prefabers (vio and grets) another week to finish, or start? :) your busses.)

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Well folks, I'm off, you people do you jobs while I'm gone!


VIO and Grets, I want my buses if you want my map!

Pud1, keep it bumped :)

All of you, keep your fingers crossed that that guy makes the models he prommised to make!



asta la mamma!



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ya *bump*ing i can do

waiting another week till this map gets finished i dunno


hrmmm well what should we do now that he's on vacation?


How about VIO and Grets, you can show me how close ya'll are with the busses ;)

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yeah, post some preview pics, this threads hangin' by a.... thread now that he's on vacation. i need to see something, anything, hell, you could post the pictures of the bus your making whatever, anything, i'm game. lets just not spam this with random nothingness, this is frogger, and thats how its gonna be. I wonder if he's going to use the frogger music in this level. that would be great.

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I think he is gonna have some sort of frogger music

, someone suggested having a lil radio that broadcasts the song over and over in the map and you can destroy it(if thats possible)


As for the map here's the link of pics and other probably un-updated info on it http://home.attbi.com/~chester394/wsb/html/view.cgi-home.html-.html


Now VIO and Grets needs to drop in this thread and show us their nifty busses!!!!

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