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How do i make a trigger spawn an enemy?


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ok i wana make an button that will throw in a reborn each time it is used (making a practise map like the ladder one(REALLY COOL MAP))so i tied the button to a triger but how do i make the trigger spawn the enemy each time?do i give it a target and the enemy a targetname?is there a flag?

and is there a good entity tut. on jk2 cause i only got Q3 realated tuts(i know its almost the same but its ALMOST the same)

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I know it's not quite the same but I got an NPC to spawn when you walked into a trigger, so I guess what I did was just a more simple version of what you wana do. I had the trigger, and the NPC entity, then I selected them both, hit Control-K to link the two entities, and the NPC then did not appear until I walked into the trigger. Using a different sort of trigger, maybe trigger_multiple, you might be able to do what youre looking for.

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well why don't you have a button trageting the trigger that will spawn one, or maybe you can make a script that will do that npc_spawn cheat, thats for unlimited amount of reborn


not sure if that helps sry



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