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Headswipe and Backstab while no ones there??? hmm....


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Ok, I was in a game, and i saw this dude (=||=Stiffler) who was doing headswipes while no one was near him!!! since that move requires that someone be directly in front of you, i got suspicious, so i started fighting him. This guy was doing stuff that could not be possible even if he was really good, he did a vertical slice(heavy mode), then without anywait at all, a headswipe, then as soon as he hit the ground some weird super fast spin move that I know should not be possible. Everything else he did could be that he was really good, but that spin move looked almost like the spin move you can do while getting up after being knocked down, but this guy had not been knocked down, and his body was straight up while doing it. Has anyone else seen anything similar to this??

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The super fast spin (like doing a sweep but with 3 or 4 full rotations) is accomplished in a relatively simple matter. Since sweeps can be rotated after they are started, all you need a bind of something like +right to rotate your view very fast. IF used while already doin ga sweep, it turns one spin into several. I've seen people doing this who claim they are doing it manually by moving their mouse (actually looking around very fast). Either way, its pretty lame, makes a bad exploit much worse.

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