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Who'd win


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boba fett would whip the **** out of Han and Chewy, i mean come on han would be stumbling to get his blaster out, while chewy is ranting on in his language of grunts whines and sweals, trying to say he **** his pants when he realized how badass boba fett is. while Boba fett would be unloading clip after clip till the 2 fools hit the ground

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I think Fett would win against Han and Chewie. just because he's a better fighter, has better gear, and his armor absorbs blaster bolts.


"who would win btwn TPM Anakin and AOTC little Boba Fett?"


Fett again. anakin would be trying to fix something and Boba would just walk up and kick him in the head or something:cool:


not an :ewok:

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