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Model/Saber color?


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For MP games - duels only - I either use Anakin or Obi-Wan (Episode II).


With Anakin, it is usually a green saber and with Obi-Wan a Blue One.


Changing SP models -- I've done an entire convertion pak where Jan is Padme, Desann is Dukoo, the Shawdow Troopers are Kyp Durron in Jedi Jaeden Armor (really nice change and still with the armor theme), Stormies are Clone Troopers, Luke is Windu, Jedi Trainer is Qui-Gon Jinn, and the other Jedis are either Luke or Obi-Wan (in the white/tan, traditional jedi tunic) and some other cosmetic changes -- Is really easy and really fun in NPC/MP practice.


This is a really good detailed thread that tells you how to do it.

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Call me wierd for liking dinosaurs but


Desann/Xeyph model

Used to be medium only in 1.02 but now I am using heavy along with it now that its not a cheap whore move anymore.


Light side user mainly but I am dark in CTF's So I can grip flag guys and put them in front of my teamates to kill :)


I use anakin's hilt and my saber color depends on the situation



Purple-If I don't know the guy

Orange- If I am mildly peeved

Red- If I am very pissed

Gold- If I think the guy is a good fighter

Blue-If I am feeling goofy and want to swing crazily with light

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