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Single Player - NS Starport help needed


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I'm right at the end of the Starport level. Had the shootout in the hangar, have opened the doors, and Lando is pleased. But I can't change the icons on the fuel tank. I've jumped up on the pipes, tried every conceivable position for hitting the Use key, and nothing changes. I'm assuming you try and center the icon itself in the middle of the screen, and hit "E", rather than the two glowing panels above them. I've read a walkthrough, and it appears that others may have had this problem as well. But the suggestion the writer gave assumed that Lando hadn't even made it into the hangar yet.

Please help! I'm not going to be very happy if I have to redo the entire level from a prior saved game...


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Weird, that level didn't give me any trouble at all. Did you go through the floors on each side of the hanger that houses Lando's ship the Lady Luck? If so, go outside the hanger and find the large fuel tanks, jump on top of one in particular (wish I could be more specific) and then hit the two switches on it. Hope I've helped some...

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OK, Finally found what the problem was. And I think this one needs to be added to the "bugs" page, since from what I've read in a couple of places, I'm not the only one this has happened to. In my game, Lando was on his ship, but not at the controls. During the shoot out, he somehow got in a place he shouldn't have been, and nothing i could do would move him from that spot. I think others have had a similar problem where Lando wound up stuck in some spot he shouldn't have been. I had to go back to a point prior to the hangar shoot out, and make sure Lando got where he was supposed to be.

Once he was there, I was able to solve the puzzle easily. Everything worked.

Thanks for all your help!

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