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What Academy is Luke talking about?

ET Warrior

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In ANH, Luke tells Owen that he wants to submit his application to the academy....well i am wondering....what academy is he wanting to apply to? I mean, he tells obiwan that he hates the Empire, so it doesn't seem reasonable that it would be the Imperial Academy....or perhaps he is talking about a school of some sort.......i dont know.....because if the Rebellion had an academy and everyone knew how to send an application, wouldn't the Empire know too? And then wouldn't they goto this academy and destroy it?

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From the EU: Luke wanted to join the Imperial academy on Carida. Carida also houses the Stormtrooper/Army academy.


Solo, Biggs, Porkins, Celchu and a host of other people defected from the Academy and left to join the rebellion when the evil of the empire became apparent.


So when Luke says he hates the Empire, he's probably just exhibiting the usual late-teen hatred of the system, and the fact that he still wants to go there because that's what all of his friends did shows that he's a bit of a sheep...


and this whiny farmboy became a Jedi master!


Oh, and if you don't like the EU, then we'll have to wait for the 'extra-special edition' OT to see if the scene is still in there (George might decide to keep Stormies as clones, he may provide a reason for the Empire not using clones) to see if it matters...

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