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Fan Version Mod and GSD Servers


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From intense studying both of these tend to avoid the backstab and provide for much more realistic sabering.


GSD (Ghoul 2, Dismemberment, SaberTrace):


Can be found via ASE using the following filters:


GSD - Modifier:


1 if sv_hostname ~== "*gsd*" goto 3

2 remove


Fan Version - Modifier:


1 if gamename ~== "*fanmod*" goto 3

2 remove


GSD and Fan Version Mod (combined) Filter:


1 if servertype != "JK2" remove

2 if gamename ~== "*truesaber*" keep

3 if sv_hostname ~!= "*gsd*" remove


"seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 1 <--- This command is enabled by default, but enter it just in case.


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1 <--- This is the big one. It enables GHOUL 2 hit detection for lightsabers in multiplayer. While this will increase network traffic, it won't be very noticeable (if at all) for low ping users such as cable and DSL users. Don't be discouraged to use this because of slightly increased network traffic, because it's not a lot!


seta g_dismember 300 <--- This is purely cosmetic. It enables dismemberment, nothing else. Most servers have this already."




seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0 = more like 1.02 auto saber defense (less)


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 1 = more like 1.03 auto saber defense (more)


Either way, if you are an admin and run the Fan Version Mod or use the GSD settings - you should put the (GSD) somewhere in the name of your server to show those settings are on.


Thank you.

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