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Error loading maps in 1.03


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I looked all over the net for an answer to this problem to no avail. Either this problem is relatively unheard of or I'm not looking in the right places, but hey, let's get to the point. Since upgrading to 1.03, I can not load .bps map files.


I realize the patch has been available for quite a while, but I just started mapping recently. I eventually got frustrated enough at the "Can't find <mapname>.bsp in .../maps/" message that I reinstalled.


When the reinstallation finished, I ran the multiplayer app and tried to load a map. Oddly enough, it worked. Then I reinstalled the 1.03 update, and now maps won't load again.


If it's pertenant, I'm running a P4 1500 w/ WinXPhome and plenty of RAM and graphics acceleration.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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No, I was able to load them as .bsp on version 1.02, so I assumed I'd be able to do the same on 1.03. I suppose I'll try the .pk3 route, but if anyone comes up with an answer to the .bsp problem, feel free to share the wealth. :D



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I been downloading maps like crazy.


I going to have a Touney at a lan my clan is hosting and well since it's my job to run it I been sorting threw all the custom maps I can find.



Seem if you load to many the game won't see them if you load over 40. Wish Raven would of had a Maps folder instead of just dumping everything in the base folder.


So far 200 maps sorted and 160 skins sorted. Figured If some enter the tourney they atleast will walk away with some cool maps and skins for a door prize.


IF anyone knows how to get a seprate folder system to work so that you can load tons of maps and skins let me know.






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Originally posted by {XG} Snape




I been downloading maps like crazy.


I going to have a Touney at a lan my clan is hosting and well since it's my job to run it I been sorting threw all the custom maps I can find.



Seem if you load to many the game won't see them if you load over 40. Wish Raven would of had a Maps folder instead of just dumping everything in the base folder.


So far 200 maps sorted and 160 skins sorted. Figured If some enter the tourney they atleast will walk away with some cool maps and skins for a door prize.


IF anyone knows how to get a seprate folder system to work so that you can load tons of maps and skins let me know.






You could put some of the maps into a seperate folder in the GameData folder and then load the maps via the mod menu. Don't know if that works.

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