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NS streets


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how do i get past the first part of the streets section, i get into the bar, and get into the fight, they always nearly kill me, then i step outside, and _imediatly_ get sniped.

i know that when seeing is on lvl 3 this isnt going to happen, but i dont think it can be as i only just got force powers, how do i stop the snipers?

help would be apperciated

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After you have cleaned out the bar. Go looking every where you can find to go in the bar. Push all of the buttons you find. There are goodies all over the place in there. Do all of this before you go out side. Oh place a mine behind the table that is laying on it's side near the door on the upper floor. This will take care of the Greedo that comes in to shoot you.


Now once all of this done. Select your "Disrupter" to clobber the snipers. Just move in out of the door to shoot them one at a time...


Good luck...

~Nomad WR~


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