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Bots and sabers

Dark Cloak

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Two questions: I know this was mentioned earlier...but for the life of me, I can't find the posts...how was it that you can spawn SP NPCs in multiplayer? Also, somebody mentioned a way to have the bots use the double-bladed saber...but I can't find it.

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on the subject of the maul with the double bladed saber, i got one request. how about using the new darth maul skin that is out? the ultimate maul was good, but this new maul and the other one that is soon to be released, are better suited for your mod. will you make a update?

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i ve done it

here : http://mbalch.free.fr/DarthMaul1.pk3

the file is very small.

put it in your tck dir ....

and select the bot Darth_Maul.

you MUST have the Maul model in order to have this working!

the maul model didn't have bot support so i took the ultimate maul bot and added the double blade :

pure rip ! :)

i didn't asked anyone so ...

if the creator of the model or the maul bot don't agree i ll remove the file ...

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