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One way Doors????


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Hmmm, I'm not sure, but I can try.

Piecing together what I've heard, and what I know for sure, I might have an answer.

For mp, you might be able to do it this way:

1. Create a different brush for your door.

2. Make it a func_(not sure what it's called, but it's the one that makes normal brushes move, not the door one...)

3. Make an origin brush, and put it in the center of the door.

4. Make another brush, and put it on the side that you want to open.

5. Texture it with trigger.

6. Make it set the func_whatever to go up.(I'm not sure how to do this...)

7. Check it out.

8. If it works, congragulat me:D, if not, fry me:mad:.





:gungan: Mesa stupid!

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just make a func_door and give it a targetname. Make a trigger_multiple and target it to the door. Put the trigger on the side you want to open the door and not on the other side. If the door can only be activated by the trigger, then obviously you'd have to be on that one side.

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