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How do I turn auto aiming off?


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There appears to be a sort of auto-aiming going on as the cursor will jump onto a target as it nears it. It even jumps a bit as you move it off a target. It's driving me nuts and I'm having a lot of trouble hitting things as I'm always having to over correct.


I've looked through the controls and setup options and I can't find anything about auto aiming. Nothing in the manual either. Any help?



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This isn't going to help you much. But I've seen a setting some where in set-up I think that will let you turn the curser jumping off! I know what you are talking about, and it can be done. I just don't remember where I saw it!


~Nomad WR~



I think I found it: Open controls from the start menu. Go to the "mouse/joystick" (or somthing likt that) now in there you'll find a command for Mouse smoothing. Turn it on and see if that won't help you out... ;)

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