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My Slave 1 prefab >> WIP


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Ok, I know there's already 2 available on jedioutcastmaps but as I said before I think mine will be better. I still have a lot of work to do yet but i'm very pleased with the results so far. Check it out here -- http://www.webspawner.com/users/manquesa/S1.jpg


I plan on mapping a full interior including the cockpit and I will make both Boba and Jango versions.

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Who knows. I have little spurts of progress every now and then. I work long hours so I have little time to do this, plus i'm also working an a SP map and i'm even thinking about starting work on a CTF map, not to metion that I have many more prefabs that I plan on doing. But i'll keep ya'll updated.

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i don't think people are making the prefabs large enough! look at the movie the ship was pretty big (enough room to fit crago and two people at least), nit that has anything to do with yours it look really good why not make it a Slave II

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Originally posted by VIO

i don't think people are making the prefabs large enough! look at the movie the ship was pretty big (enough room to fit crago and two people at least), nit that has anything to do with yours it look really good why not make it a Slave II


Actually I was worried that I was making it too big. Look at the pic, that little red box you see the is the info_player start. That should give you an idea of how big it is compared to the player. I just found some more pics of the cockpit though for me to use as a reference for making the interior and now I am thinking I should make it just a tad bit bigger, but not much really. However I don't think I want to redo the whole thing just yet, I might try playing with the scaling function of radiant but I have a feeling that's just gonna screw things up.


edit: And actually there's at least three seats in the cockpit section and I know there's supposed to be 6 cages for holding prisoner's plus living quarters and a locker in the rear section

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Ok, I just tried the scale function of radiant and it worked. Very surprisingly to me, it didnt' mess up a thing, not even my patch meshes. So I now made it slightly larger but not that much, i'm mainly concerned about having enough space to make a good looking cockpit.

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Here's a shot of Boba next to Slave 1:



Looks like ya got it about the right size.


And here's a design of the interior, I think it might help. (I think the cockpit is wrong, but, this is a design from before Episode 2.)



Good luck, I was gonna do Slave 1 but yours is looking great! Can't wait for you to finish. :)

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yeah it would be great to accaully have a prefab that has a decent inside an not just a scarue room my istake you did get the size pretty good excellent pictures...do you have some like that for a snow speeder

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Glad I could help.

I got the pics from http://www.synicon.com.au/sw/ < --- this site. I based my Outrider inner designs off of it, although I only did 1 main room, like in Shadows of the Empire..

Doesn't look like it has any snow speeder pics. :( I think it only has the more unique ships. If I run across anything like that for the snow speeder, I'll let you know.

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I still have a lot of texture work to do as most of these textures are still temporary.


Most of the exterior however is done. I just need to make the wings, redo the guns on the tail, and reshape the base a little.


And of course I still need to do the interior.

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Ok guys, I need thoughts and opinions on this, i'm trying to figure just how I should do the cockpit on this thing. I have pics from the movie so I know how to make it look but the thing is, because of the nature of Slave 1 i'm not exactly sure how I should position it in the ship.


There's differences in opinion i'm finding out about whether this thing has a rotating cockpit or not. If I put the cockpit facing out the window like it should be when it's in flight mode then all the seats and everything will be facing up toward the sky. But I want to be able to walk around in the cockpit, just not on the walls.


And the movie doesn't quite match up with any diagram that i've seen of the interior of the ship. In the movie, there is 3 seats, one in front and 2 right behind the first one, kind of a triangular layout. But in all the diagrams I see, there is one seat by itself which is the pilots seat, and then in another section there are 2 passenger seats by themselves. Maybe Boba made more drastic changes to the ship than I thought.


Also, I plan on make the interiors for Boba's and Jango's ship different. I know Boba's should have 6 prisoner cages, but should Jango have prisoner cages as well or what.


Any other ideas would be appreciated, thanks.


Oh, and I am thinking of maybe doing a rotating cockpit type thing and just making it a func_pendulum moving slowly to alternate between the flight and landed positions, but the more and more I think about it's not sounding like such a good idea.

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