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My Slave 1 prefab >> WIP


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I wasn't gonna post any updates till later this week, but since you asked.


I kinda got a little side tracked. I downloaded gmax the other day and have been learning how to use the program. After getting about half way through the tutorials I decided to try my hand at modeling the cockpit chair and console to use for my Slave 1.


Here's what I got so far, keep in mind that no texturing what so ever has been done yet and this is my first attempt at modeling.




And don't expect it to look like the cockpit as seen in episode 2, although this is the same ship a lot of time had passed since then and Boba obviously made many changes to it. If it's still too inaccurate for you then you can call it Slave 2 instead of Slave 1.


I also made (in Radiant, not gmax) the prisoner cages to put in the ship but I don't have any screenies of that yet.


Other than than I haven't done anymore work on the ship yet as most of my time has been spent learning the modeling program.


I am planning on, if it turns out alright, modeling the pilot cockpit chair and controls, the passenger cockpit chairs and controls, extra rockets for the backpack (he's bound to keep a supply of rockets somewhere in that ship), and the backpack itself, maybe even the helmet. And I might even decide to make the prisoner cages as models because i'm not too sure if I like the one's that I already made in radiant.


All this modeling of course will make it take longer, especially since i'll still have to make the clip brush prefabs for them when i'm done making them, but oh well. Maybe i'll go ahead and release it soon without the interior, and then re-release it later when the interior is finished as this may take a while.

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