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What are Force Gems?


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The Force Gems just replenish your force back to full... some people think at one time they were meant to be inventory items...but eh, who knows... all they do now is replenish your force... if you happen to be spawning Shadowtroopers like I do sometimes...and slaughtering them (heh) then if you pick up alot at one time, you'll get unlimited force for a short time... you can see that your force bars are kinda glowing


-edit- and searching is disabled because it's very stressful on the servers, with so many posts, it takes alot of processing power

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It is possible to get 2 gems from every shadowtrooper.

"How?", I hear you ask.

Simple. After you kill a shadowtrooper, whip out the old sniper rifle, press secondary fire to get the sights up, hold down primary fire to FULLY charge the weapon, and let go.

HEY PRESTO! Another gem magically leaps from the disintegrated body of your fallen enemy.



No applause necessary, just try it! NOW!

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