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Stupid Questions that most be answered


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These are some stupid questions but here it goes:


1) How do you change your avatar?


2) How do you get those avatars that aren't at lucasforums?


3) How do you change your signature?


And finally, but dumbest of all...

4) What does lol stand for, or does it just mean "laughing"?


( :o there got those off my chest :o )

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They aren't STUPID questions they're NEWBIE questions, nothing wrong with that.


1.) Click on User CP at the top of the screen, then Click on Edit Options; it's at the bottom of the page.


2.) Go to one of the Avatar sites, like Eets's or Fergie's right click on the one you want, click on properties, then copy the URL that you get, go back to where you change your Avatar, click on Custom Avatar and paste the URL in the little box.


3.) Go to Edit Profile in the User CP.


4.) LOL stands for Laugh out loud, Rofl stands for Rolling on the floor laughing, and some people combine them and say ROFLOL meaning Rolling on the floor laughing out loud.

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You change your avatar by going to you're user CP and clicking, Edit Options. It will be at the bottom. To get an avtar that isn't on LF, find an image that you want to use as your avatar on a different site, and either download it or find out it's url. Then go to Avatar options in Edit Options and you will be able to put the url of the avatar there so that you may use it, or upload it on to LF. In order to change your signature, click on Edit Profile. It will be in the middle.

Lol stands for "laugh out loud". Kinda means they're laughing. LMHO means, Laughing my head off. ROFL means Rolling on the Floor laughing.

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